Wochenendlektüre, weil´s garantiert wieder nicht in der FASZ verhandelt wird: Marshall Auerbacks kurze Kopfwäsche in Sachen „Großdeutsches Europa“ und „Poker mit hohem Einsatz“ findet sich unter der schicken Kopfzeile Eurozone Catastrophe: How Saving the Euro Could Mean Blood on the Streets im aus der anderen Krisenregion ostwärts blickenden Alternet:
„The truth is that Germany is structurally reliant on indebtedness and borrowing in other parts of the eurozone in order to grow at all. Over-spending of southern states is the only thing that has allowed Germany’s economy to prosper. (….) My base view remains that Europe is headed to a blood in the streets outcome. There is no plan B. The game is to just keep raising taxes and cutting spending even as those actions work to cause deficits to go higher rather than lower. So while the solvency and funding issue is likely to be resolved, the relief rally won’t last long as the funding will continue to be conditional to ongoing austerity and negative growth. And the austerity looks likely to not only continue but also to intensify, even as the eurozone has already slipped into recession. (…) From what I can see, there’s no chance that the ECB would fund and at the same time mandate the higher deficts needed for a recovery, because the Germans will never allow it. In which case the only thing that will end the austerity is blood on the streets in sufficient quantity to trigger chaos and a change in governance.“
Kürzer und richtiger als vom analytischen Auerback lässt sich kaum konstatieren, weshalb man uns im Ausland für Wucherer hält, die den Krieg nun doch noch zu gewinnen versuchen, diesmal mit Geld. Könnte schief gehen, falls die Südeuropäer das doch noch rechtzeitig merken. In dem Fall: Beim Spaziergang Schals und kugelsichere Westen nicht vergessen, auch nicht im kommenden Sommer.