Das beste Argument für seine These, das Empire sei inzwischen weitgehend verrückt und zugenäht, liefert Jamie O´Neill selbstredend am Schluß seines 12 Signs America Is Insane-Countdown:
„On the morning I was compiling this list, 13 people were shot to death in the nation’s capital. Since terrorists struck the U.S. on 9/11/2001, more than 300,000 Americans have lost their lives to guns—more than 100 times as many people as the number who died when the World Trade Center fell. We’ve spent well over a trillion dollars fighting terrorism, but we live with the threat of random terror in our schools and on our streets on any given day. That’s just the price we pay for “freedom,” I guess. Or so the NRA would have us believe, as they corrupt our politicians and subvert popular support for gun control sanity.“
Die anderen 11 Signale sind aber ebenfalls schwerlich ignorierbar…